Soon, BMW owners will be able to change the radio, turn on lights, air conditioning and more using voice commands.

BMW is releasing a proprietary voice assistant for the new BMW X5, Z4 and 8 Series models.

These cars come equipped with the BMW Operating System 7.0.

BMW has chosen to sidestep the more conventional and popular AI assistants like Alexa and Google Assistant.

Instead, they have created their own, which responds to the phrase “Hey BMW.”

BMW has also hinted that its assistant will be compatible with other digital assistants, and could integrate with other hardware like smart speakers and smartphones.

One aspect that BMW’s AI system does surpass the more popular assistants is that it can be given a dedicated name.

A user can name their assistant and interact with it using that name.

The Intelligent Personal Assistant taps into BMW’s Open Mobility Cloud and artificial intelligence to learn routines and habits, so owners can make use of simple statements like “Take me home” or “I’m cold.”

It’s also there to perform various tasks like giving status information, explaining different BMW functions, checking messages, as well as alerting the driver to problems like low tire pressure.

More features are yet to come, as apparently the range of functions and skills available will be constantly expanded, carried out via a smartphone or in-car by a remote software upgrade.

Expected date of release is March 2019.
