Samsung, has reinvented the Twin Cooling PlusTM fridge which was first introduced in 1995.

The company is the first manufacturer to bring its unique Twin Cooling Plus technology to the Top Mounted Freezer category.

The company has added new levels of convenience and innovation with its two evaporators that manage the fridge and freezer space separately to minimize temperature fluctuation.

This makes it possible for the RT 6000K to control optimal humidity and temperature because moisture in the fridge can remain separate from freezer.

A higher humidity up to 70% preserves food for longer and minimizes food wastage.

Additionally, in conventional single evaporator systems, odors from the fridge can permeate other foods in the freezer because air from the two compartments is interconnected.

However, the Twin Cooling PlusTM, prevents mixed odors because the twin cooling systems prevent air transition between the two compartments.

Fridge flexibility is another bonus that users can make use of with Twin Cooling PlusTM.

It offers a range of options that enable users to customize their fridge in a way that best suits them.

They can even switch off portions of their fridges to save energy.

This occurs through the separate cooling evaporators for the fridge and freezer that enables users to choose from five modes of operation: regular mode, energy saving mode, vacation mode, fridge max mode, and mini fridge mode.
